Friday, July 07, 2006


...The opening of the kindy was "protected" and wonderful...

...It was hard to leave Aceh...

...but now that the decision has been made I am ready - really eager to be there (Myanmar)

...I've been working in Singapore HQ since Sunday...

...saw pictures of my family from a friend's stay with them...shed some tears. when I saw how they've grown (the kids that is :-)..

...leaving for Malaysia tomorrow morning - Out of the Comfort Zone conference...

...then to Myanmar.

Read an article last night by Servants International Coordinator, Craig: He was saying that "Community is born in Solitude." I did a double-take because community and solitude have captured my thoughts for many months. Picture a tire: the rubber meets the road at the places of impact, ministry, "outflow". The spokes are the support - such as friends and fellowship. The hub is the place of intimacy with and knowledge of God. Craig was saying that if we don't have solitude with the Lord, then we will inevitably be looking for the things from Him that we crave (for example, unconditional love) in ministry or relationships. We can know, love, minister, receive in community when we worship (know, love, receive from and obey) our Father, Savior, and Companion. So, Community flows out of our being with God. For me, I am seeing how my inclination is to delve into "togetherness" with people, to want to be known and connected to support and ministry without spending myself quietly, passionately and submissively in time with the Lord. Gently He leads me, sometimes forcefully like a ton of bricks on my chest (that's what its felt like this week)...He's always working to reveal and redeem the broken and confused ways we live. Think about it, often we grow stronger in knowledge and compassion (not simple feeling or pity, but real strong love and action) when we're not even with others. This is one of the greatest things I'm learning this year.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is a praise item for the kindy to be open and that all the happenings were protected. We were sad to hear you would not be returning to Aceh but going on to Myanmar but that was only for selfish reasons...we fear the lack of (or less often) communication from you. We are excited for a new opportunity to serve and for what the Lord will be teaching you there. Rebekah and Isaiah want you to come to their birthday...I have told them it is too far for you to come and that you will miss my birthday too. We hope you enjoyed the goodies sent to you through Lisa. Your blog updates and the photos posted are so important to us. We hope you will be able to keep them up. We miss you so very much, Asha. Dad and the kids went to visit Grandpa and I am trying to get organized for VBS as well as work with Barbara on Stitches of Love. I am alone at home missing a lot of people right now....Perhaps a little solitude and time alone with the Lord is just what I need right now. Blessings to you dear daughter. Love you always; MOM

7:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So happy to see and hear all that you have been learning. The little ones enjoyed seeing grandpa recently. Sadly, Fuller lake is closed due to heavy rains that overflowed the nearby creek and washed away the beach. They are not sure if repairs can be made in time for it to reopen this summer. The local swimming pool is now their haunt. B is now able to swim in the deep end! Ceil mentioned that there will be an opening in the math dept at Plumstead beginning Feb 07. Can you teach AP calculus? You should contact them to see if you would want to make application. It may be that they would consider you even if it is only for one semester; the position is opening due to pregnancy. Lots more to tell you when we talk. Keep on the narrow path -- it goes through the lands you are living in. Happily, the Kingshighway that Bunyan spoke of can be found in any number of places; access ramps are all around you and will take you and other invited guests over there to the Celestial City. Be of good cheer and press on; it was W. Carey, I believe, who recognized the fruit he saw was the product of faithful plodding. Love yu: Dad

8:02 PM  
Blogger Asha said...

Hey Mom and Dad! Thanks for your precious words...I miss talking with you in person! I treasure the pictures that Lisa brought back to Singapore for me, and I cried when I saw the video of you guys- how my bros and sis's are growing so fast! I think about them so much and pray for their young hearts...I have just returned from the OCZ conference, spurred on, compelled to excited about the road ahead and the people with whom to share Jesus. Dad, I just saw a movie of William Carey's life in India. He was so faithful, despite so much hardship. His money was taken away almost right after the family endured the 6 month ocean trip, and he didn't know how he was going to feed his family. He experienced so much doubt over if he had heard the call to leave England correctly. Then, he had to bury his youngest son, his wife went crazy, and there was almost no evidence of fruit in the lives around...but he was faithful, devoted and steadfast in the call. And, guess what the Lord did? He heard his cries and brought a harvest! After 6 years team members showed up, one a printer so translation work materialized, people followed Jesus even though they were persecuted, a training school was established, and the government began to address the practice of suttee. God doesn't require us to be successful, but faithful. Sometimes this is the hardest thing, and I hide behind my own attempts at success. But grace has brought me true life, no need to hide or run...I want to walk the narrow path, Dad. Please pray with fervency for me. Looking forward to calling you this weekend while I can. Love you, Asha

10:57 PM  
Blogger Just said...

Hey Asha,
It's so good to have something new to past my time while I'm having some break time before my Doulos Training. I have sent you several e-mails containing pictures taken from OCZ as well as another e-mail.

It is indeed a blessing to meet a person such as you Asha and I pray that God will guide you while you're in Myanmar and May he shine his light upon you and grant you protection and Good health. May the people of Myanmar enjoy their time with you as I have!

I look forward to hearing from you and I have just added your blogspot link to mine which is at

God Bless you and Keep you in his arms.

Lots of Love,

10:16 PM  

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